Plymouth Manufacturers' Group

Plymouth Manufacturers' Group (PMG) is an informal network of manufacturing companies from across the Plymouth Travel-to-Work-Area. Collectively, the PMG membership employs over twelve thousand staff and has a combined turnover of approx. £1.6bn and contributes three-quarters of a billion pounds into the local economy.

Membership includes household names like: The Wrigley Company, Kawasaki and Ginsters (Samworth Bros). Also, major local employers such as Babcock International with its three hundred year heritage of ship building and ship repair at the dockyard in Devonport. They also have a growing number of small to medium sized firms.

The PMG is primarily a network for information sharing; peer to peer networking; factory site visits and surveys & benchmarking. They also represent and lobby on behalf of the sector: locally, regionally and nationally and act as a focal point for the receipt and sharing of external information.

The PMG also has a number of sub-groups that specialise in subjects such as: health and safety, skills and training, finance & compliance, continuous improvement, purchasing and supply chain management and resource efficiency.


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